The strategy nobody's talking about

Literally scaled your MRR on autopilot.

Hey, hey - it’s Mike! 😁

There are 2 things I want to share today:

  • A strategy nobody's talking about

  • BIG news regarding my product Feedefy/Upvoty (vlog)

Let’s start with that strategy nobody's talking about.

Because it literally brings in new MRR on autopilot.


→ Clickfunnels adds $1m/mo

→ ConvertKit gets 14k clicks/week

Also, my own product, Upvoty, adds 4%/Month because of it.

It's our best-performing marketing channel.

Literally on autopilot.

It’s the “Powered by” referral strategy.

No, I’m not talking about the affiliate model.

It’s simply adding a “powered by” mention strategically in your product.

Your customers will become your sales agents.

My Latest Vlog: BIG NEWS! 🥳

I share what’s going on with Feedefy, uh, Upvoty. Because yes, we’re on a rebrand… (also some behind-the-scenes of a potential acquisition).

This is a fun one!!

My Latest In-Depth Video: Ship FAST!

I showcase how you can build and launch your SaaS in under 60 days.

A Product I Discovered:

Expandi makes it super easy to scale your LinkedIn Sales with cold outreach.

A Tweet I Enjoyed:

It’s a somewhat “older” tweet, but man, this is a crazy but BRILLIANT marketing idea. Maybe it’s something you can apply 😉 

That’s it for now 🙌

Keep sipping! ☕️


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