Vanity metrics will kill your startup 💀

This week, I'm sharing one of my biggest lessons learned.

Hey, hey - it’s Mike!

We all obsess too much about views, likes, or even sign-ups.

Acting upon those, what I call “vanity metrics,” is literally killing for your startup.

There are really only 2 metrics that count: CAC & LTV.

LTV = Life Time Value (how long does a paying customer stay on)

CAC = Customer Acquisition Cost (how much money do you need to spend to acquire a paying customer)

Understanding these 2 metrics will help you tremendously.

# My Bookmarks

🔖 Meme: A great meme about getting your first prototype out (lol)

🔖 Music: This is my new go-to focus music video on YouTube

🔖 Article: If you’re building a newsletter, this one’s a must-read

# One New App

🔥 HelpKit: You all know how I love Notion, right? With this app, you can build a knowledge base, help center, documentation, and more within Notion!

# My New Stuff

🍿 Video: I’ll show you the 2 most important metrics for your SaaS

🍿 Tweet: My 13 most important tools

🍿 Newsletter: I’ve started a newsletter called Pizza Products to discover new products (go sub!)

With that, you’re all up to date, so let’s goooooo! 💪

Talk to you next week.


PPS: Sponsor this newsletter and reach over 20,000 subscribers!

PPPS: As always, keep sipping that MRR!

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